Friday, November 14, 2014

Batman by Scott Snyder issue #36

To start things off, I'm going to tell you another personal story which is incidentally a follow-up anecdote I included in my review of issue #35. In there I revealed that I shouted "BABEL!" aloud in Comic Odyssey as I stood there gazing at that Capullo front cover of the JLA surrounding Batman, ready to kick his ass. It attracted the attention of a certain gentleman beside me (also looking at said issue) who tried to disperse the awkwardness by engaging me in a brief exchange of "you mean Tower of Babel?" while I glibly saved my face by nodding politely and walking away. That was the best I could do, okay?

Yesterday I went back to the store to grab a copy. But as soon as I saw the crazed-Superman-with blood-on-his-hands cover, I hesitated because I almost did not want to buy and read it. Lately I was sort of becoming terrified of both Snyder's Endgame and Tomasi's Robin Rises issues because of the emotional stake I have on both titles. So I stood there staring for a few minutes at the cover, holding my breath just a little. While doing that, I heard at least two people behind me pass by and one of them whispered, "Look, it's Babel girl..." Surprised, I sharply turned my head, understandably thinking it was the same guy but it wasn't. Apparently, speaking a phrase very loudly in a room only composed of a few customers is bound to catch attention in any normal day and be actually remembered for it. I wasn't mortified in the least--that's what I told myself as I finally grabbed a copy of issue #36 and paid for it at the cashier. I kept a straight face on even when I felt more eyes on me from a corner. I did not dare to look back at them.

But just as I was walking away, one of them quipped. "See you around, Babel girl" followed by snickers from his friends. I slowed my steps, looked back and replied as coolly as I can manage: "K." And then I tried not to make it look like I was rushing out of there. Now I don't know why I'm telling you this in this review because you probably couldn't give a shit but I did anyway because I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE. I don't want to give you spoilers because YOU'RE GOING TO HATE ME IF I DO so I basically just wasted your time reading my earlier paragraphs AND I'M NOT SORRY because you should be reading the story itself and not a goddamn review! If you can't for some reason and you still want to know what the big deal is, user Sam Quixote has more than provided the gist so go read his. But you are not getting any discussion or insight for me because I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL. I think Snyder is at his top form in the game by now and I think, ironically enough, with Endgame he's just getting started. I think there is so much more that could happen and I am not prepared to face any of it. I think I trust Snyder enough to deliver a compelling story that deserves this much hype but I am also wary of the larger impact it will have in Batman titles and the New 52 in general.

I don't know. I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL. Don't even ask me!

So now every time a new release comes to the store, I'll be doing a stupid chicken dance of staring, sighing and dying inside before I get to buy a copy. This is probably the most bullshit review I have ever written. I'm not even making sense any more, am I?  SO STOP WASTING YOUR TIME READING THIS TRITE AND START READING ENDGAME!! It has Superman looking like a heroin addict on rebound for chrissake, and beating the shit out of Batsy, what more do you fucking want? The Joker is coming back big time while Gotham City continues to make North Korea look like a more habitable place.

I don't need to oversell this anymore because frankly I don't think it needs to be anyway.


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